
Noémi Arnóczky

Noémi is a returning guest in our studio. She recorded a demo consisting of about six songs. in two hours. The recording chain was as follows: CM-47 microphone – UREI 1176. Noémi’s page



Zanza visited us again. True to their habit, the guys played the songs together live. Tomi plays the drums and sings, so we recorded the vocals separately. A brief overview of the recording conditions: Tomi played the drums in the main playback room. In the technical room behind me, Zoli, Robi, and Krisztián were on the bass and guitars. I recorded Zoli through a DI-Box, which I later re-amped through the Ampeg SVT III Pro+EBS Classic Line amp. Krisztián shaped his sound using the Marshall JTM-45 and a Kasleder The Rocker pedal. Robi played through …


Szabó Sándor

Szabó Sanyi, who works in the misty Albion, in the city of Bristol, returned home for a visit after a year. Whenever he does, he always drops by to sing a bit and record his favorite songs with us. This was the case yesterday as well, but this time he also recorded one of his own songs. In the pictures, he is singing a song made famous by Péter Máté. We also offer a glimpse into the monitor view as seen by the sound engineer 🙂 [nggallery id=”10″] …


Cliché vocal recording

Our old acquaintances, the Cliché band. To our delight, this year they returned to the challenging yet beautiful world of making music together 🙂 With the addition of Kiss Tomi on drums, who belongs to the not-so-weak category of drummers, they have created a whole new sound. Therefore, we’re re-recording one of their songs that was captured two years ago, so we can showcase this new sound. Unfortunately, Gabi is not in the pictures, but she will be coming soon to play the cello, and then we will take plenty of photos of him! 🙂 Peti is sing …
